Friday, December 21, 2012

36 Weeks

36 weeks and 1 cm dilated! Whoo hoo! Connor is still very active with a heart rate of 170 BPM. It's kind of funny seeing Dr. Sessum's face every time she checks his heart rate. She can't believe how much he moves. He is obviously going to take after his daddy for having so much energy! :) He has dropped even more into the birth canal she said, too. I'm trying not to get my hopes up since I still have a few more weeks to go, but I sure am getting anxious about meeting Connor! I go back next week so we will see how he is doing then.

My braxton hicks contractions are still present but mainly in the afternoons. Still not too bad yet. My feet and hands are swelling some. I tend to prop my feet up and take my shoes off at work a lot without even realizing it. Ha! My left hand has been giving me trouble this week with achyness in the mornings and difficulty making a fist and squeezing anything. Last night I woke up around midnight with my entire left arm achy and numb. The achyness started from my arm pit down my tricep and elbow then to my wrist and hand. The numbness was primarily at my wrist and thumb, index, and middle fingers. I could not even bend my wrist for the pain it caused. I knew it was my median nerve being compressed but didn't know why? After about an hour of stretching and moving my arm around, the feeling came back and I was finally able to get back to sleep. I told Cindy at work when I got there and she said I was probably developing carpal tunnel due to the swelling and compressing of the median nerve. Great. My index finger still doesn't feel right. It's really tight and achy. So now I have a splint to sleep in and exercises to do for the my left arm. Hopefully this will disappear once I deliver! 4 more weeks to go! :)

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