Friday, October 25, 2013

Connor 8 Months Old

At 8 months old, this was the best I could get...

We have a mobile little boy and he is everywhere! Crawling, pulling to stand, and cruising on furniture! Can't keep little man still for one second. I love it!

The day Connor turned 8 months we were told he would be moving up to the older infants classroom... Meaning he is too mobile for the baby room! That was a lot to take in one day but it is definitely for the best. Connor is now in class with babies who are crawling and walking. And even gets a menu sent home if we want him to eat their breakfast and lunch! Big boy is growing up :( I still make his food so I pack his lunch some days and other days he gets to eat with his classmates. He seems to love the babies in his class so far because they can actually play with him and I can tell he learning so much from them. Change is good (that's what I keep telling myself because even though its hard seeing my baby grow up I know it's the inevitable and there are going to be so many more changes as he gets older.) 

At 8 months, Connor is 
- 18 pounds
- 28 inches
- sleeping all night 7 pm to 7 am :)
- eating 4 4-5 ounce bottles and 3 solids a day 
- new foods: white potato, blueberries, spinach, edemame, chicken, ground turkey, whole wheat pasta, rice, mandarin oranges, cheese toast, ritz, grapes, grits
- drinking water from sippy cup (the nuby)
- wears size 3 diapers
- wears size 6-9 month and 9 month clothes.
- no teeth still!
- babbling dada, baba, and MAMA!!  Finally!
- starting to crawl after Nola and Nola isn't quite sure what to think!
- crawling, pulling to stand, and cruising furniture 
- still a water baby.. Baths and swimming are so much fun!
- loves playing on the deck outside 
- loves playing with balls 
- loves toys with music and lights
- loves banging toys together and on floor 
- loves playing peak a boo 
- loves playing with doors, cabinets, and drawers

MB and Connor

Aunt Jen and Connor playing ball
Fall shopping with GiGi

Playing with Nana and Big Daddy

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