Monday, January 6, 2014

Connor 11 Months Old

I cannot believe we are one month away from Connor turning one year old!! This year has flown by entirely too fast! I have enjoyed watching our sweet boy grow into a toddler so much! On Connor's 11 month birthday, he had tubes put in his ears. He did so good! And, knock on wood, has been well ever since! Yay! Chronic ear infections since 4 months old were no fun! So glad Connor is feeling better and more than likely hearing better! Speaking of, he talks all the time. He is saying more and more consonants  and pointing to everything asking what objects are. He is such a curious little boy.

Connor is still not walking. I really thought he would be walking by now as mobile as he is. He is cruising furniture like crazy and walking with walker and anything else he can push along. Cabinet doors are one of his favorite things to play with..opening and closing. Loves our pots and pans too! Loves banging them around while Daddy cooks in the kitchen.

Connor had his first Christmas this month! His favorite toys were his Little tikes truck and ball pit. As soon as he saw the ball pit he crawled in and began playing! Loved it! Then he saw the truck from Gigi and Aunt Jen Jen.. Loved it! Crawled right in and waited for us to push him around. He had the biggest and sweetest smile on his face while riding. Connor also got a all terrain Red Flyer wagon which he hasn't gotten to ride in much because it has been so cold. I have a feeling that will be more enjoyable once the weather warms up!

At 11 months old, Connor is
- 21 pounds
- 27 inches
- Eating real food 3 times per day with 2 snacks
- Drinking whole milk! We transitioned to milk 2 weeks from his first birthday without any problems! So glad we are finally off of that expensive formula!
- Sleeping 12 hours per night
- Wearing size 3 diapers
- Wearing 9-12 month clothes
- Wearing size 3 shoes
- Loves finger foods that he can feed himself....and Nola!
- Loves dancing to music :)
- Standing for short periods of time and has taken 1 step
- Bath time and playing outside are still his favorites
- Sticks his tongue out when you ask "where's your tongue?!"
- Favorite song "If your happy and you know it clap your hands"
- Waving and saying "bye bye"
- Saying mama, dada, bye bye, ball, and mimicking lots more!

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