Saturday, October 20, 2012

27-28 Weeks

27 weeks
Hello 3rd Trimester!! I had my monthly MD visit this week which included the glucose test to test for gestational diabetes. My Dr. said everything is looking good and measuring good. Connor's heartbeat was 153 BPM. Still so neat to hear it :) I won't find out results of glucose test until my next visit. Now that I'm in my 3rd trimester, I will go every 2 weeks for check up instead of every 4 weeks. I have my 4D ultrasound this coming up week which Brad and I are really excited about! My mom and mother in law are coming too so they will get to see Connor! Can't wait to see what he looks like! I'm still feeling really good. Went to the gym 5 times this week which is a first! I had been going any where from 1 time to 3 times a week but after getting on the scale at my last MD appt, I think I regained my motivation to continue trying to stay as fit and active as I can! Connor has been very active over the past few weeks. Seems like he is constantly moving, kicking, punching, flipping, and whatever else he does in my belly! Brad says he feels him a lot at night when I'm asleep and he puts his arm around my belly. So neat!

28 Weeks

I'm starting to get overwhelmed with the nursery and having it ready for Connor's arrival. Everything is on order at this point but nothing has come in so we really haven't done anything to the nursery. We picked out paint for one blue wall I want to do that the window is on. Sheet and blanket are on order and should be here in a few weeks. Furniture should be ready end of this week or next! Will have to paint it when it gets here. Need to buy curtains. Need to figure out wall decor. Need to figure out what to put on book shelf once it gets here. And the list goes on and on. I just hope my energy lasts for another month or so that I can finish the nursery comfortably!

Invitations went out this week for my first baby shower! So excited! It is going to be in Meridian on Nov 4. My best friend, Lauren, is flying in for her cousins wedding that weekend so we planned the shower around her so she could be there. My sister has pretty much planned the entire shower. She loves any planning that involves her creativity so I can't wait to see everything come together. The invitations are adorable that she designed. She has set the theme for "Everything C" for Connor :) I haven't seen my friends and family in a while so I'm excited to see everyone and catch up as well!

Also this past weekend we celebrated with my sister, Jennifer, and Cade at their Engagement Party!   They are getting married April 13, 2013! They had a really good party filled with close friends. Lots of good food was there, too! Here are some pics from their Engagement Party.

Pregnancy Highlights: 

How Far Along: 27-28 weeks

Size of Baby: The size of a small cabbage, 17 inches, 2.9 pounds 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 20 pounds

Maternity Clothes: Still wearing my regular scrub pants to work. Have gone up a size in shirts. I have a few maternity pieces I wear, but still wearing normal clothes too. 

Gender: It's a BOY!

Movement: Connor is a very active little boy :) Constantly on the move! Kicking, punching, flipping, etc.

Sleep: Back pain is beginning to make sleep difficult. I toss and turn A LOT! Sleep with lots of pillows around me to help support my back. 

Cravings/Aversions: Still really haven't had any crazy cravings. 

Emotions: This week has been pretty emotional. I think the weight gain has a lot to do with it but it seems like I have teared up and cried every day over the smallest of things. Think I'm just getting overwhelmed with knowing Connor will be here in just a few months! 

What I Miss: Nothing. 

Symptoms: Mid back and low back pain, heart burn, and indigestion. 

What I'm Looking Forward To: Our 4D ultrasound next week! 

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