Wednesday, August 15, 2012

18 and 19 Weeks

I had another prenatal massage this week. I could really get addicted to these! They are so relaxing and make my back feel so much better. It seems like these weeks are flying by now! Probably because we have been super busy. Brad is still working on the new restaurant with plans to open the first week of September. Just in time for football season! Plus, my Mom just got married at a beautiful a castle in Decatur, MS last weekend! We had such a good time celebrating with her. Friday night before the wedding, my sister and I stayed with my Mom in a cabin on the Chunky River getting everything ready for the wedding and relaxing. Then Saturday we had manicures and pedicures with mimosas...well Jen and Mom had mimosas :) Her wedding started at 7:30 Saturday night so we relaxed the rest of the day at the cabin after running a few errands and doing last minute decorating. The weather was perfect as my sister and I walked her down the isle to marry Tommy. His two sons were also there along with lots of our family and friends. After the wedding ceremony, we had the reception at the cabin which was really neat and rustic. Her wedding was perfect, and I am so happy she has found true love and happiness.

Pregnancy Highlights: 

How Far Along: 19 weeks

Size of Baby: The size of a mango about  6 inches and 5 ounces  

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm not doing too good at keeping up with my weight since we still do not have a scale! But, I'm guessing around 10-12 lbs. Will find out next Monday at my MD appt. 

Maternity Clothes: I finally had to break down and buy some new work out tops! My size small tops and t shirts are getting a little snug around the belly and just not comfy, so I went on a shopping spree to Target to get some bigger tops to work out in. I have also bought a few maxi dresses which I love! I had a friend who said "maxi dresses are the new mu mu's for pregnant women!". I definitely have to agree :) 

Gender: Ultrasound is Aug 20th (next Monday) and Gender Reveal Party is Aug 25!!! Can't wait to find out! 

Movement: I'm feeling a little movement finally! It's such a weird feeling that I have to second guess myself but I'm pretty sure it's Baby C changing positions and kicking me! 

Sleep: No problems in this area :) 

Cravings/Aversions:  Nothing crazy yet. Still trying to eat as healthy as I can.   

Emotions: Feeling great!

What I Miss: Doing pretty much everything I want to do :) Life is good. 

Symptoms: Nausea is completely gone!!  Lower back (my S.I.'s and tailbone) still ache and mid back is feeling a little better but is definitely still there, especially at the end of the day. 

What I'm Looking Forward To: Our Gender Reveal Party Aug 25 for the big reveal!

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