Wednesday, August 1, 2012

16 Weeks

Second trimester is great! I'm feeling a lot better...a lot less nausea and a lot more energy! Back in the gym 2-3x/wk running and doing power class. Exercise really seems to help me cope with the stress of weight gain and is helping my back feel better, too. I had my 16 wk doctor's appointment this week. Baby C's heart rate was 150 bpm and everything looked good! We are getting excited about the big reveal of Baby C's gender! 

Pregnancy Highlights: 

How Far Along: 16 weeks

Size of Baby: The size of an avocado about 4.5 inches and 3.5 ounces

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I have gained a total of 8 lbs -kind of a shock to me! My doctor said I am probably making up for not gaining much in the beginning. Very hard to see on the scale though!! I'm having to give myself pep talks everyday it seems about the weight gain...this is def going to be a test of my strength emotionally and mentally! Of course, Brad says I have gained most of my weight in my bust, so he is loving it! :)

Maternity Clothes: Still wearing normal clothes -although clothes are getting a little snug around the bust and belly. 

Gender: We find out at the 20 weeks appt on Aug 20! Only 4 more weeks!

Movement: No movement yet.

Sleep: Still loving my sleep but getting my energy back. 

Cravings/Aversions:  I really haven't had any cravings or aversions. I'm pretty much back to my healthy eating habits even though everyone tells me to enjoy being pregnant and eat whatever I want!   

Emotions: Primarily emotional about the weight gain. I'm learning this a very mental process being pregnant and that I have to tell myself the weight gain is for our baby! I like the way Brad's application on his phone put it..."maternal storage tissue, not fat" :)

What I Miss: I am actually feeling really good and not missing anything! I have started back to the gym - up to running 2 miles on the treadmill and doing Power class for strengthening 2-3x a week. 

Symptoms: Heart burn/indigestion is kicking in. Also still get nauseated in the late afternoons, but its not every day like it used to be. Lower back (my S.I.'s and tailbone!) starting to ache while my mid back is feeling a little better. 

What I'm Looking Forward To: My ultrasound in 4 wks to find out the gender of our baby!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you and Brad!! I can hardly wait for the gender reveal party!! Yay!!
