Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 15 weeks
Size of Baby: The size of a navel orange about 4.5 inches and 2-3 ounces
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm guessing 4-5 lbs gain - haven't officially weighed since my MD appt during week 11 but will know next week exactly how much I have gained at my 16 wk appointment.
Maternity Clothes: Still wearing normal clothes - Scrubs are making my life so much easier right now.
Gender: Only 5-6 more weeks! We are planning to have a Gender Reveal Party September 2 for the big reveal!
Movement: Still haven't felt baby move. Hopefully in a few more weeks I will!
Sleep: Definitely not sleeping near as much as I did in the first trimester. My sleep pattern is really about like it was prior to getting pregnant at this point. Although, I'm still getting up in the middle of the night to pee!
Cravings/Aversions: Nothing crazy or out of the norm thus far.
Emotions: About the same. Although, some of my patient's are telling me my hormones are starting to kick in because I'm not as easy on them as I used to be :)
What I Miss: Sushi! I love sushi and haven't eaten it since I'm not suppose to eat raw fish :(
Symptoms: Feeling pretty good here recently, finally!
What I'm Looking Forward To: My next appointment so Brad and I can hear baby's heart beat again!