Sunday, July 1, 2012

12 Weeks Pregnant

So several weeks have gone by since my big reveal to our families. They are all still so excited! I have had 3 appointments since then. The first was at 5 weeks and Brad was with me where I had an ultrasound and we got to hear the baby's heart beat! Wow is all I can say about that! The baby was barely 1 cm long and had a heart beat! It was amazing! I went back at 7 weeks to have my blood work done and again at 11 weeks. At my 11 week appointment I got to hear the heartbeat again! I cannot even describe the feelings I get when I hear my baby's heartbeat. What a miracle I have growing inside me! I go back to the doctor in 4 weeks for another check up. Hopefully I can hear the heartbeat again :)
My 5 week appointment - Nervous!!
 Baby Cornett at 5 Weeks!

I got the idea of pregnancy highlights from my friend, Amanda, who is also pregnant! I love the idea of tracking my pregnancy weekly. Hope you don't mind Amanda!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 12 weeks

Size of Baby: The size of a peach about 2.9 inches and .81 ounces

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 2 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Still wearing normal clothes - Thank goodness for scrubs!

Gender: My doctor does not check gender until 20 weeks! We are so anxious to find out!

Movement: No movement from baby, but there are definitely some things growing and moving inside me :)

Sleep: That is all I do! I have had zero energy and all I want to do is sleep! I am slowly getting some energy back this week though, thank goodness! Ready to hit the gym again!

Cravings/Aversions: I really have not had any crazy cravings. For 3 straight weeks (between weeks 6 and 9) I was miserably nauseated and food did not sound appealing at all. All I wanted was carbs...fried, fatty carbs! I am pretty much over that and trying to get back to healthy eating. I usually snack throughout the day and eat small meals since I haven't been able to eat much at one time.

Emotions: Nothing out of the ordinary that I have noticed. Brad may disagree :)

What I Miss: Running. I have not ran in 12 weeks because of all of the nausea and fatigue I have been experiencing. I am slowly getting back to walking some...although the heat is killing me now! Last week was 100 degrees so that is not helping me feel any better.

Symptoms: Nausea, fatigue, headaches. (Not sure if the headaches are contributed to pregnancy or sinus pressure) Either way, they are bad!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Finding out what the gender is!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awww, this is so sweet! Can't wait to become GiGi!! Love you so much!!!
